Fresadoras de cremalleras DONAU-KNAPP UZFM - V 300 H

máquinas para el procesado de metales / máquinas talladoras de engranaje / Fresadoras de cremalleras

Fabricante: DONAU-KNAPP

Modelo:UZFM - V 300 H

Tipo de máquina: Fresadoras de cremalleras

Número de artículo: 157581707

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 14.03.2025

Año de fabricación: 1980

Ubicación: Land-de Alemania Metzingen


Máquina en stock:


hobbing length: 1750 mm
milling width: 260 mm
max. module: 10
min. module: 12
total power requirement: 8 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
D O N A U - K N A P P (Germany)
Universal Automatic Rack Milling Machine
Model UZFM – V 300 H
Year approx. 1980 Serial No. 80-234x

Max. length of rack 1,750 mm
Milling travel / milling width cross max. 260 mm
Module, steel / cast iron 10 / 12
Table clamping size 275 x 1,850 mm
Mounting height below cutter, depending on cutter Ø 136 – 410 mm

Cutter Ø, min./max Ø 125 + 2 x cutting depth / Ø 160 mm
Cutter width max. floating / with support 50 / 140 mm
Cutter mandrel Ø max. 50 mm
Milling spindle head, swivelling right / left 30 / 45 °
9 spindle speeds 22 – 179 rpm
Milling slide swivelling right / left 30 °

Feeds, infinitely variable (milling slide) 0 – 600 mm/min
Quick return 2,000 mm/min

Milling spindle drive approx. 4 kW
Total electrical load 8 kW - 400 V - 50 Hz
Weight 4,500 kg

Accessories / Special Features:
Automatic milling cycle control via cam bloc mounted on milling slide
and table slide with possibility of jump switching (= automatic by-pass
of an area which should not be milled) and pendulum milling operation
(= synchronized milling on the first half of table, and workpiece change
on the second half.
hydraulic workpiece clamping device: 1.800 x 260 mm each, clamping width
140 mm, clamping height inside the device 60 mm, with own H5341166 hydraulic
aggregate, hand switch,
Manual fine adjustment of table (0.001 mm) for exact positioning in a
pre-milled rackgear.
Various change gears (approx. 10 pieces). 2 cutter mandrels. Various other accessories.
Central lubrication. Built-in hydraulic unit.
Simple Coolant device. Separate switch cabinet, various rack cutter up
to 160 dia.

This machine is especially suitable for milling racks, and also for
manufacturing broaching tools (relief milling is possible by swivelling the
cutter head).

Condition : Very good. Machine can be inspected under power.
Delivery : Ex stock, as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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hobbing length: 1750 mm
milling width: 260 mm
max. module: 10
min. module: 12
total power requirement: 8 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
D O N A U - K N A P P (Germany)
Universal Automatic Rack Milling Machine
Model UZFM – V 300 H
Year approx. 1980 Serial No. 80-234x

Max. length of rack 1,750 mm
Milling travel / milling width cross max. 260 mm
Module, steel / cast iron 10 / 12
Table clamping size 275 x 1,850 mm
Mounting height below cutter, depending on cutter Ø 136 – 410 mm

Cutter Ø, min./max Ø 125 + 2 x cutting depth / Ø 160 mm
Cutter width max. floating / with support 50 / 140 mm
Cutter mandrel Ø max. 50 mm
Milling spindle head, swivelling right / left 30 / 45 °
9 spindle speeds 22 – 179 rpm
Milling slide swivelling right / left 30 °

Feeds, infinitely variable (milling slide) 0 – 600 mm/min
Quick return 2,000 mm/min

Milling spindle drive approx. 4 kW
Total electrical load 8 kW - 400 V - 50 Hz
Weight 4,500 kg

Accessories / Special Features:
Automatic milling cycle control via cam bloc mounted on milling slide
and table slide with possibility of jump switching (= automatic by-pass
of an area which should not be milled) and pendulum milling operation
(= synchronized milling on the first half of table, and workpiece change
on the second half.
hydraulic workpiece clamping device: 1.800 x 260 mm each, clamping width
140 mm, clamping height inside the device 60 mm, with own H5341166 hydraulic
H5341166 aggregate, hand switch,
Manual fine adjustment of table (0.001 mm) for exact positioning in a
pre-milled rackgear.
Various change gears (approx. 10 pieces). 2 cutter mandrels. Various other accessories.
Central lubrication. Built-in hydraulic unit.
Simple Coolant device. Separate switch cabinet, various rack cutter up
to 160 dia.

This machine is especially suitable for milling racks, and also for
manufacturing broaching tools (relief milling is possible by swivelling the
cutter head).

Condition : Very good. Machine can be inspected under power.
Delivery : Ex stock, as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1049-757386
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Hans-Jürgen Geiger Maschinen-Vertrieb GmbH

Señor Michael P. Richter
72555 Metzingen

RESALE miembro desde 2014

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