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10 similares máquinas:

Máquina: C. W. KREHER + SöHNE LBFM I + II
Año de construcción: 1963
Vendedor: Land-de Urbicht-Maschinenhandel
Precio: 790 €

C.W. Kreher Söhne KG máquina perforadora de orificios ranurados LBFM Nombre del producto: Máquina perforadora de agujeros ranurados Tipo: LBFM I y II Fabricante: C.W. Kreher Söhne KG Número máquina: 4638 Año de construcción: 1963 Estado: usado, revisado, comprobado Técnicas: • Tamaño de la mesa: 600 x 250 mm • Tamaños de absorción del mandril de dos mandíbulas: • Profundidad máxima de perforación: 160 mm • Recorrido máx. en anchura: 200 mm • Ajuste de altura: 200 mm • Velocidad máx.: volteando las correas 2 velocidades: 1.500 rpm y 2.800 rpm • Deténgase para 2 profundidades de perforación • Dispositivo de sujeción: dispo ...

Máquina: C W KREHER
Vendedor: Land-de HV R. Heynlein
Ubicación:: 16515 Olbernhau
Precio: 1.450 €

Fabricante: CW Kreher Olbernhau Año construido: desconocido (1985) Motores: Círculo de orificios 2,2 kW (desde arriba) Taladro 3 kW (desde untrn) Diámetro del orificio: aprox. 60 a 300 mm Espesor máximo del material: 80 mm Diámetro de perforación: máx. 100 mm Lazos de perforación: máx. 100 mm Velocidad de rotación: 4 pasos, ajuste a través de correas en V Uso: cortar espacios en blanco para conchas, placas o piezas de torneado redondas similares para torneado

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x3600
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld

General SKU263S270 LocationBarneveld MakeDüker GmbH & Co KGaA TypeThaletec DN300x3600 No.1932 / 6 2 9892 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation Capacity260 Ltr. MaterialGlass - Enamel Information Total height3,8 M Weight500 Kg Floorspace0,7x0,6 MDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x4200
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld

General SKU263S271 LocationBarneveld MakeThaletec (D) TypeDN 300x4200 No.1934 / 6 2 9893 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation Capacity305 ltr. Max. temperature-25/200 degr. C MaterialGlass - Enamel Information Floorspace0,8x0,7 M Total height4,4 M Weight550 KgDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x4200
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU263S271 LocationBarneveld MakeThaletec (D) TypeDN 300x4200 No.1934 / 6 2 9893 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation Capacity305 ltr. Max. temperature-25/200 degr. C MaterialGlass - Enamel Information Floorspace0,8x0,7 M Total height4,4 M Weight550 KgDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x4200
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU263S271 LocationBarneveld MakeThaletec (D) TypeDN 300x4200 No.1934 / 6 2 9893 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation Capacity305 ltr. Max. temperature-25/200 degr. C MaterialGlass - Enamel Information Floorspace0,8x0,7 M Total height4,4 M Weight550 KgDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x3600
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU263S270 LocationBarneveld MakeDüker GmbH & Co KGaA TypeThaletec DN300x3600 No.1932 / 6 2 9892 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation MaterialGlass - Enamel Capacity260 Ltr. Information Total height3,8 M Weight500 Kg Floorspace0,7x0,6 MDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: DüKER  GMBH  KGAA Thaletec DN300x3600
TOP Vendedor: Land-nl Foeth
Ubicación:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU263S270 LocationBarneveld MakeDüker GmbH & Co KGaA TypeThaletec DN300x3600 No.1932 / 6 2 9892 Year of construction2009 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar Specified Features - Distillation MaterialGlass - Enamel Capacity260 Ltr. Information Total height3,8 M Weight500 Kg Floorspace0,7x0,6 MDistillationDüker GmbH & Co KGaAColumns > DistillationBrand > Düker GmbH & Co KGaA What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Máquina: Karl Mengele & Söhne S 18/3000
Año de construcción: 1978
Vendedor: Land-cz Exapro

Year of manufacture/SO/GO: 1978/2017/- Description: Machine in good technical condition, after agreement possibility to test. Supplemented with a light barrier from COLSYS in 2017. ...

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Máquina: Karl Mengele & Söhne S 18/3000
Año de construcción: 1978
Vendedor: Land-cz Exapro

Year of manufacture/SO/GO: 1978/2017/- Description: Machine in good technical condition, after agreement possibility to test. Supplemented with a light barrier from COLSYS in 2017. ...

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