Máquina de corte por láser de CO2 BYSTRONIC ByStar 4020 with ByLaser 4400

máquinas para el procesado de metales / trabajo con chapas de metal

Fabricante: BYSTRONIC

Modelo:ByStar 4020 with ByLaser 4400

Tipo de máquina: Máquina de corte por láser de CO2

Número de artículo: 166541949

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 29.03.2025

Año de fabricación: 2006

Ubicación: Land-LT Lituania



This fiber laser cutting machine was manufactured in 2006. A Bystronic ByStar 4020 with ByLaser 4400, it features a work table of 4064mm by 2032mm and can handle a maximum load of 1580kg. Its specialized for stainless steel and aluminum with a laser power of 4400kW. If you are looking to get G5349640 high-quality cutting capabilities, consider the Bystronic ByStar 4020 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
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This fiber laser cutting machine was manufactured in 2006. A Bystronic ByStar 4020 with ByLaser 4400, it features a work table of 4064mm by 2032mm and can handle a maximum load of 1580kg. Its specialized for stainless steel and aluminum with a laser power of 4400kW. If you are looking to get G5349640 high-quality cutting G5349640 capabilities, consider the Bystronic ByStar 4020 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.
seller offer No. resale LT-CUT-BYS-2006-00001
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Señor Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE miembro desde 2017

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