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Motores AT todos disponibles inmediatamente desde stock con garantía MIW Ltd. Planta de Reparación de MotoresNorth-West-Ring 8 27404 Zeven-Alemania Tel.0049(0)-4281-950583 Fax.0049(0)-4281-950585 email=info@miw-zeven.de ...
Motores AT todos disponibles inmediatamente desde stock con garantía info@miw-zeven.de ...
Motor del generador 32 KW a 15001 rpm ...
Husillo de bolas de precisión en el suelo, D40 mm, 1088 mm, Wulf Hatzfeld, nuevo ¡Tan bueno como nuevo en el embalaje original! La pieza de alta calidad proviene de un almacén de piezas de repuesto de un procesamiento mecánico de un gran fabricante de automóviles, es completamente nuevo y en el embalaje original. Atención: Tenemos muchos, rodamientos, husillos de bolas de alta calidad en diferentes diseños en diámetros 32, 40, 50, 63 y 83 mm. Eche un vistazo a nuestro sitio web de IPV GmbH. husillo de bolas, husillo de bolas, husillo de rodillo de bolas, KGT 40 mm, 1088 mm, Fa. Wulf Hatzfeld diámetro del husillo de bolas 40 mm, paso 10 mm, Longitud de rosca 865 mm lon ...
Engine Brand: HATZ, Conditie: USED, Engine Cooling Type: Air Cooled , Engine Color: Red , Working Hours: 5900 Hour(s), Turbo Type: None Mounted , Exhaust System: Dry , ECU Present?: no , Injection Type: Mechanical Fuelpump , , https://www.hamofa.com/catalog/product/view/id/218742, , = More information =, , Height: 140 cm, Type number: 1DB1C POMPSET
Old new Hatz 3M41 diesel engine, 37 kW – 3000 Rpm, 12 Volt version incl. Hatz control panel, Can be seen running at our place., , Weight: 300 kg, , = More information =, , Year of manufacture: 2018, Model year: 2018, Colour: Grey, Part suitable for: machines, Technical condition: very good, Visual appearance: very good, VAT/margin: VAT qualifying, , = Dealer information =, , Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts, pipes, hoses , coupling systems and fittings. A physical visit to our location is very well possible! Make your visit known in adva ...
Engine Brand: HATZ, Conditie: CORE, Engine Cooling Type: Radiator Cooled (std) , Engine Color: Yellow , Flywheel Housing SAE: NO SAE SIZE , Flywheel SAE: Unknown , Engine Condition: Core , Turbo Type: None Mounted , Exhaust System: Dry , ECU Present?: no , Starter Voltage: No Starter Present , Rated Power: 42.5 Kw, Rated Speed: 2500 Rpm, Injection Type: Mechanical Fuelpump , , https://www.hamofa.com/catalog/product/view/id/235219, , = More information =, , Type: Engine, Type number: 4L2C; Transport weight [kg]: 490
Completely overhauled Hatz 1D81Z engine., Delivery from stock., We always have sufficient engines in stock for this type of Hatz engine., Contact us for the possibilities., , = More information =, , GVW: 100 kg, Part suitable for: machines, Technical condition: good, Visual appearance: good, Damages: none, VAT/margin: VAT qualifying, , = Dealer information =, , Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts, pipes, hoses , coupling systems and fittings. A physical visit to our location is very well possible! Make your visit known in advance to avoid dis ...
Unidad generadora diésel 125 KVA 6cilindro Iveco construido 1994,6900 horas de funcionamiento Aislamiento acústico. Listo para uso inmediato y disponible en 59557 Lippstadt Entrega nacional barata Para más preguntas por favor llame al 0172 72 653 24 diario de 8am a 10pm ...
Actualmente ofrecemos: Grupo electrógeno Iveco Tipo: G.E. 8210 SRI 26.01 Generador Stamford Tipo: HC. 434E1 Potencia: 300 KVA Hz 50 RPM 1500 Control AVR: MX 341 IP 22 Construido en 1993 Estimamos que las horas de funcionamiento son menos de 500 horas Métricas: L: 3,20 m B: 1,20 m Alto: 2,10 m Puede encontrar más máquinas en nuestro sitio web. Si tiene más preguntas, no dude en contactarnos. Adel e.K. Vehículos Comerciales-Máquinas de Construcción Desmantelamiento de la máquina de reciclaje de automóviles Calle Gottlieb-Daimler 26 D-74831 Gundelsheim Teléfono: 0049 1796710242