MVR 3-stage WIEGAND Fallstrom Eindampfungsanlage MVR 3stufig

food processing machines / other food machines

WPS Molkereimaschinen

Mr Wolfgang Pirzl
19258 Neu Gülze

  • 038847 - ... phone

verified user

RESALE member since 2012

item-No.: 148582981 Quantity: 1 Date: 02.01.2025
Year of manufacture: 1989 Location: Land-at Austria
Price: price is open to negotiations (ON)
Manufacturer: WIEGAND
Model: Fallstrom Eindampfungsanlage MVR 3stufig
Type of machine: MVR 3-stage
Description: MVR 3-stage WIEGAND Fallstrom Eindampfungsanlage MVR 3stufig

used machine

3- falling stream
evaporation system with mechanical re-compression.
Previous product: condensed milk from skimmed milk
Input: 6,600kg/h, 9%TS
Water evaporation: 5,400 kg/h
Concentrate: 1,200 kg/h 50%TS

System is still complete installed and immediately available.

Costs of W5114085 dismantling and disassembly at the expense by the buyer

Equipment is subject to prior saleä!
seller offer No. resale 148582981
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Price: sold WIEGAND Fallstrom Eindampfungsanlage MVR 3stufig + similar WIEGAND-Model

WIEGAND3-stufig MVR 95000 EUR [Sep 2020]
1984 WIEGANDTyp: 2584-75-83.01 MVR 85000 EUR [Dec 2020]