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10 similar machines:

Machine: HORIZON Stitchliner 5500
New in: 2007
Seller: Land-de LA-POSTPRESS Landauer Alexander

AVAILABLE FROM THE END OF AUGUST 2023 3 MONTHS WARRANTY Offer consisting of: - Gathering tower VAC-100a - Gathering tower VAC-100m - Stacking lowering table ST-40 - Collection and folding unit ACF-30 - Saddle stitcher SPF-30 - Three-side cutter HTS-30 - long delivery LC-200 Horizon VAC-100a / Horizon VAC-100m / VAC-100m Suction air gathering machines - Technology: Touch & Work - Model: Suction and blowing air gathering tower - Number of stations: 6 - Error avoidance: error, double blade and jam control - Job memory: 9 memory locations for repeat jobs Programs: - Dual cycle (non-stop operation) - Zeroing (1x and 2x) - Brochure program - Block program - sele ...

Machine: HORIZON Stitchliner 5500
New in: 2005
Seller: Land-de LA-POSTPRESS Landauer Alexander

3 MONTHS WARRANTY Offer consisting of: - Gathering tower VAC-60a (YOC: 2010) - Gathering tower VAC-60m (YOC: 2010) - Gathering tower VAC-60m (YOC: 2010) - Stacking lowering table ST-40 - Collection and folding unit ACF-30 - Saddle stitcher SPF-30 - Three-side cutter HTS-30 - long delivery LC-200 Horizon VAC-60a / Horizon VAC-60m / VAC-60m Suction air gathering machines - Technology: Touch & Work - Model: Suction and blowing air gathering tower - Number of stations: 6 - Error avoidance: error, double blade and jam control - Job memory: 9 memory locations for repeat jobs Programs: - Dual cycle (non-stop operation) - Zeroing (1x and 2x) - Brochure program - Bloc ...

Machine: HORIZON Stitchliner 5500
New in: 2005
Seller: Land-de LA-POSTPRESS Landauer Alexander

3 MONTHS WARRANTY Offer consisting of: - Gathering tower VAC-60a - Gathering tower VAC-60c - Stack lowering table ST-40 Saddle stitcher Stitchliner 5500: - Collection and folding unit ACF-30 - Saddle stitcher SPF-30 - Three-sided cutters HTS-30 VAC-60a, VAC-60c Suction Air Gathering Machine - Technology: Touch & Work - Model: Suction and blowing air collection tower - Number of stations: 6 - Error avoidance: error, double-blade and jam control - Job memory: 9 memory locations for repeat jobs - Expandability: up to 6 towers (36 stations) Programs: - Double cycle (non-stop operation) - Zeroing (1x and 2x) - Brochure program - Block program - Selective gather ...

Machine: HORIZON Stitchliner 5500
New in: 2006
Seller: F1-TRADE GmbH
Location:: Emskirchen - Nürnberg

Sammelhefter / Saddle Stitcher Horizon Stitchliner 5500 Year 2006 - SN. 349006 Zählerstand / Working hours 9Mio books Sheet Size min. 148x120mm - max. 500x350mm Paper weight 40-350g Production speed max. 9.500 cycles/h VAC-60Ha Air suction collator VAC-600Hc Air suction collator VAC-600Hm Air suction collator ST-CV Horizontal Conveyor ACF-30 Accumulate & Folder SPF-30 Saddle Stitcher HTS-30 Three Knife Trimmer ST-30 Stacker Receiving Tray Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock Available Immediately - Can be inspect On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

Machine: HORIZON Stitchliner ST-5500

2 x VAC-1000 collators – 20 stations (2 x 10) 1 x ST 40 stacker 1 SPF-30S stitching and folding unit 1 HTS-30S three-knife trimmer TB-30 conveyor  ...

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Machine: HORIZON StitchLiner 5500
New in: 2008
Seller: Land-de Aribas Printing Machinery GmbH

Three knife trimmer (HTS-30) Stitching unit (SPF-30) Gathering machine (20 Stationen - VAC-100a + VAC-100C)  ...

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Machine: HORIZON StitchLiner 5500
New in: 2007
Seller: Land-de MKS Maschinen Handels GmbH
Location:: 41849 Wassenberg

ST-CV VAC-100a Tower SPF-30 VAC-100c Tower ACF-30 ST-40  ...

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Machine: HORIZON StitchLiner 5500
New in: 2007
Seller: Land-de Graphische Okkasionen Karakus
Location:: Wassenberg 41849

Size: 350 x 500 mm Equipments: This StitchLiner 5500 includes the following components 2x VAC-100a and VAC-100m Collating Towers ST-40 Stacker ACF-30 Accumulator and Folder SPF-30 Saddle Stitcher HTS-30 Three-Knife Trimmer TB-30 Transport Belt Key Features:- 20 stations- U-shaped layout: Efficient space utilization and easy monitoring- Inline production from collating to finished product- Variable data processing: Handles personalized p printing- Fully automatic format adjustment for quick job changes- Touchscreen for user-friendly operation, even for less experienced operators Specifications:- Sheet sizes: Max. 500 x 350 mm, Min. 148 x 120 mm- Paper weight: 40-350 gsm- Processing thickness: ...

Machine: HORIZON Stitch Liner 5500
New in: 2005
Seller: Land-de 3p Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH


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Machine: HORIZON ST 5500
New in: 2008
Seller: Land-nl Prestotype

20 station collating, 1 x VAC 100a, 1 x VAC 100m, 1 x Stacker ST-40, 1 x folder ACF-30, 1 x Stitcher SPF 30, 1 x Three knife trimmer HT 330  ...

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