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Please download the PDF with all the information about the company and the industrial equipment for sale Plant OF A RECYCLED POLYMERS – CRUM RUBBER GRANULES The installed technology employs the cryogenic process. This technology is rare in Europe on an industrial scale Provides superior cryogenic rubber granules for both raw material and end product applications. Cryogenic granules have as their main applications: Infill for football pitches and golf courses in synthetic turf; Ecological road pavements of high resistance and durability (crumb rubber modified bitumen); Shock-absorbing and anti-compacting floors for horse riding rings and arenas; Raw material f ...
Refer to code 1168 in your request More information on our web page G3 Mixing Technologies - G3 STOCK or LinkedIn G3 STOCK Used machine, possibility to be purchased "as is" without warranty, or completely rebuilt and guaranteed as new machine. ...
Pump: centrifugal pump Manufacturer: Varisco Type: J40/J1-110 Year of construction: 2002 Capacity: 10 m3 / 13m / - 20 m3 Engine: Siemens KW: 1.1 Voltage: 380 V Speed: 2850 RPM Connection inlet DN 40 Port side: DN 40 Machine number: 107921 Dimensions: length 700 mm Product-contacting parts: stainless steel
Prep Bench 4.5 M Custom Bench 6.5 M Cafeteria bar back counter 6m Desk workstation N° 29 tables 60x70cm 8m steel bench N°12 stools Reinox dishwasher Gargoyle faucet Siphon N° 4 Reinox shelf and pans Dustbin N° 2 Reinox tables Reinox two-bowl sink Klarco sink gargoyle unit Reinox work table Karel 4-shelf shelf Cool Head Refrigerated Cabinet Tecnodom refrigerated cabinet Freezer cabinet 1 door Locker room Electric convection oven 4 trays Piron Karel Gourmet Grill N° 3 Karel trays Reinox tubular structure Blast chiller Cool Head Generic Moreno Mobile Reinox base and table 900 Series Door Neutral element Moreno Bridge structure Mobilio Glo Ray Heater Lamp Pit ...
Varian Saturn 2100 T GC/MS system, used Ion trap with Turbo molecular pump Measurement range: 10-650 amu EGG Varian DS 102 backing vacuum pump complete with PC, LCD monitor, and software as well as NIST library Option autosampler: Varian 8400,CTC GC PAL or CTC PAL wagon ...
A-197 Varian X-ray tubes CE-No. 0086 perm. FILT. 0.7 AL / 75 kVP 150 KL. Focus 0.30 Gr. Focus 0.80 Price on request ...
Inner gear pump, internal toothed displacement pump chemical pump used Inner gear pumps are used to convey liquids of any viscosity. Also with abrasive dusts but without solid stake. e.B. oils, soaps, bitumen, tar, chocolate, molasses, cocoa butter, fat, glucose VARISCO/ ROTOTEC Type: V 85-2 SPG Flow rate at 190 rpm max approx. 15 m3/h Connections Inside approx. 100 Flange outside approx. 230 mm Gearmotor Lenze GST09-2M VBR 112C41 7.5 kW 190 rpm 400 V IP55 Dimensions: approx. 1400 x 400 x 470 mm All items are checked for function before delivery, if technically possible! Subject to changes and errors in the technical data, dates and prices as well as intermediate sa ...
Length: 2900 mm ...
Planetary stirrer Varimixer Bear R-N 30 Used Varimixer Bear Planetary Stirrer Model N-N 30. It is functional and ready for immediate use. The accessories are included. - 30 litres boiler - incl. whisk, flat stirrer and kneading hook - Protective grille - with a boiler - analog control -Woschow & Co Denmark -Bearmixer