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Thermoformer - UPS4 Year - 1993 Min. - Max. Forming width - 62 - 226mm Cycles - 15 - 50 cycles/minute Forming depth - PVC - 12mm ALU - 10mm Blister Format - Min. - 60mm Max. - 140x39mm Punching Area - Length - 226mm Width - 284mm Forming Film width - Min. - 100mm Max. - 298mm Lidfoil Width - Min. - 100 Max. - 298 Tooling - PVC/Alu - 6 Blister line size 39x94mm Alu/Alu - 7 Blister line size 38x86mm Machine Control- PacControl version 2.17 Camera – not included Hapa Printer - H-231-1
Power installed :11 Kw. Power consumption :5,5 Kw. Production :15, 50 strokes per minute for 12 mm depth forming 15, 40 storkes per minute for 28 mm depth forming Index :Max. 145, 222 mm Format range :forming area 220 mm length 188mm width Depth forming :12 and 28 mm, forming reel : 460 mm, covering reel :Max. 300 mm Forming thickness :Min. 0,1 mm, max. 0,5 mm Width covering foil : min. 90mm max. 210mm, of the internal reel : 70..76 water consumption :aprox. 0,1 m3/h. Compress air consumption :aprox. 6 Nm3/h , without pre heating :aprox.14Nm3/h, with pre heating
Machine code: IT352 Manufacturer: Uhlmann Model: UPS300 Year of construction: 2001 Uhlmann This is a fully automatic, intermittent motion Blisterpacking machine with a capacity up to 50 cycles per minute. The maximum output is 200 Blisters per minute depending on blister size. The machine is of ‘balcony construction’ - all relevant stations are individual modules, which are cantilevered off a large aluminium plate that forms the front of the machine housing. The remainder of the machine cabinet is constructed from fabricated steel and houses the drive unit, gear trains, chain drives and the electrical control equipment. PVC, PVC/PVDC, PVC/Aclar film is drawn from a reel and ...
Equipped for ALU/PVC and ALU/ALU operation • Blister format range (W x L) min. 50 x 22 mm / max. 156 x 115 mm • Drawing depth max. 12 mm • Capacity 15 - 50 mould cycles/min • Transport length 42-115 mm • Film width 100-168 mm • Moulded foil Ø max. 450 mm, core Ø 76 mm (PVC) / 150 mm (ALU), pneumatic clamps • Cover film Ø max. 240mm, core Ø 76 mm, pneumatic clamp • Glue joint detection for moulded and sealing film • Product feeder Uhlmann SimTab 2.1 for tablets/capsules • Feed according to moulds and seals • Print image control with cover film stretching • Crack and pore control moulding film and cover film Visiotec VisioScan MT-160/200 • Forming sta ...
Universal Blister machine with platen sealing for pharmaceutical production incl. various format parts and LYNX-5-fill control. The machine processes ALU/PVC blisters and is suitable for tablets, dragées und capsules. The forming an packing machine operates in single stroke (ET), i.e. all stations for the main functions forming, sealing and punching operate in the same cycle, while the film runs through the machine intermittently. Output: 15-50 cycles/min. at 12 mm forming depth | 15-40 cycles/min. at 28 mm forming depth.
Vial blister machine Manufacturer: Uhlmann Model No.: UPS4 Serial Number: 460 Bottles Carton Packaging 2 bottle feeders PACCONTROL PCL Production capacity: • 15 to 50 cycles/min up to a punching depth of 12 mm • 15 to 40 cycles/min up to a punching depth of 28 mm Maximum feed length: 222 mm Format range: longitudinal 220mm x transverse 284mm Actual format: • Tray for 10ml ampoule (Ø17.5×87) and 10ml vial (Ø15×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 99x54x26 • Tray for five 10ml vials (Ø24×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 146x66x26 • Tray for a 10ml vial (Ø24×50), tray dimensions (LxWxH): 99x54x26
Universal blister machine in the medium to high-speed category. Suitable for processing tablets/coated tablets in corresponding blister for Alu/PVC, or Alu/Alu foils. Machine is fitted with a Simtap-feeding system. Output: up to 600 blisters/min. The blister machine is in line with the cartoning machine, type C2205.
Set up for ALU/PVC and ALU/ALU operation • Format range blister (W x L) min 50 x 22 mm / max. 156 x 115 mm • Drawing depth max. 12 mm • Output 15 - 50 forming cycles/min • Transport length 42-115 mm • Film width 100-168 mm • Forming film Ø max. 450 mm, core Ø 76 mm (PVC) / 150 mm (ALU), pneumatic clamped • Cover film-Ø max. 240mm, core-Ø 76 mm, pneumatic clamped • Adhesive bonding point detection for sealing and forming film • Product feed by deticated feeder Uhlmann SimTab 2.1 for tablets/capsules • Forward feed after forming and sealing station • Tear and pore control for forme film and cover film Visiotec VisioScan MT-160/200 • Forming station with ...
Hopper and vibratory trough for Uhlmann UPS ...