Special purpose sawing machines TRENNJAEGER 16-10H

metal working machines / saws

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RESALE member since 2013

item-No.: 6958027 Quantity: 1
Location: Land-de Germany 63911 Klingenberg
Price: 490 EUR
Manufacturer: TRENNJAEGER
Model: 16-10H
Type of machine: Special purpose sawing machines
Description: Special purpose sawing machines TRENNJAEGER 16-10H

used machine

Separating hunters dry Rapitsäge ideal for fast separations.
Area depth up to 450 mm height up to 130 mm.

Optimally adaptable through integrated hydraulic adjustment. Sawn is using large foot pedal (hands are free), cuts like a compound miter saw.

Dimensions: Brteite 1000 amount 1400 1400 depth weight approx. 410kg. 7, 5kW motor 3000 rpm

Fully functional! Well F41238660 received, signs of wear present.

1 saw blade to the machine (on 2 PCs.) ask here in resale 0170 / 2204056
or fa.raupp@t-online
seller offer No. resale SÄ1
Seller-item-No.: SÄ1
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