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Theisen & Bonitz TB Flex B314HP Year 2000 Maximum size 350 x 500 mm Stations 14 automatic stations Pile height 65 cm Finisher TB Flex 303 QSM stitch+fold+trim with 2 Hohner stitching heads Jogger yes, zig-zag jogger Speed up to 3.300 cycles per hour in 1:1 modus and 4.200 in 1:2 modus Details with double sheet control and miss feed control, 1 hand feeding position, can work in modus 1:1 & 1:2 (so either 1x14st or 2x7st)
Theisen & Bonitz TB Sprint B 315 VP, Year 2005 350 x 500 mm, Pile height 250 mm 15 Stations, with T & B 304 QSM year 2005 Stitching Trimming Folding Tandem processing Electromechanical double sheet control Missing sheet control Available: at short term ...
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Theisen & Bonitz tb sprint 310 VP, machine number 310 VP 2784, year of construction 2001, 10 stations, format min. 65 x 100 mm - max. 350 x 500 mm, flat pile feeder, stacking height 30 cm, in good condition, immediately available If you are interested, we will also be happy to inform you about other machines in our company. You are welcome to visit the machine in our house by prior appointment.
Zusammentragmaschine / Broschürenfertigung Theisen & Bonitz TB Sprint 315 VP - TB Sprint 303 Booklet Maker / Brochure Finishing Theisen & Bonitz TB Sprint 315 VP - TB Sprint 303 Zusammentragmaschine / Gatherer TB Sprint 310 VP - 15 Stations Feeder Baujahr / Year 1992 Format / Size min. 65 x 100mm Format / Size max. 350 x 500mm Broschürenfertigung / Booklet Maker TB Sprint 303 Baujahr / Year 1992 Heften-Falzen-Schneiden / Stitching-Folding-Trimmer Unit 2 Universalheftköpfen / 2 Stitching heads Hohner 48/5S Kompressor / Compressor Becker Auslage / Delivery Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock Available Immediately ...