Rinser/Filler/Capper Block SIMONAZZI Eurostar 2000 Block

packaging machines / filling machines

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RESALE member since 2014

item-No.: 124190707 Quantity: 1 Date: 23.09.2024
Year of manufacture: 1997 Location: Land-de Germany
Manufacturer: SIMONAZZI
Model: Eurostar 2000 Block
Type of machine: Rinser/Filler/Capper Block
Description: Rinser/Filler/Capper Block SIMONAZZI Eurostar 2000 Block

used machine

Simonazzi Tribblock 100-100 15 100 spray heads, 100 filling valves and 15 capping heads.
0.5 lt / 32,000 FL/h
1. 0lt / 29,000 FL/h
1.5 lt / 22,000 FL/h
2,0 lt / 18,000 I5144017 FL/h

Machine in very good maintained condition
seller offer No. resale 124190707
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Price: sold Simonazzi Eurostar 2000 Block + similar Simonazzi-Model

1997 SIMONAZZIEurostar 2000 Block 120000 EUR [Mar 2018]
2000 SIMONAZZIEUROSTAR 100-20-10 160000 EUR [Mar 2022]