Quark paver SCHULENBURG 1900 ltr.

food processing machines / other food machines

WPS Molkereimaschinen

Mr Wolfgang Pirzl
19258 Neu Gülze

  • 038847 - ... phone

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RESALE member since 2012

item-No.: 161033305 Quantity: 1 Date: 02.01.2025
Year of manufacture: Location: Land-at Austria
Price: price is open to negotiations (ON)
Manufacturer: SCHULENBURG
Model: 1900 ltr.
Type of machine: Quark paver
Description: Quark paver SCHULENBURG 1900 ltr.

used machine

6 pieces SCHULENBURG paver for the production of quark with high dry matter
including work platform.

Dismantling W5114085 excellent by the buyer.
seller offer No. resale 161033305
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Price: sold SCHULENBURG 1900 ltr. + similar SCHULENBURG-Model

SCHULENBURGQuark-Fertiger 1900 ltr. 60000 EUR [Mar 2023]