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cutting machine Manufacturer: Polar-Mohr Model: 90EL Price: on request ...
Cutting width: 1070mm, cutting height: 165mm, minimum residual cut: 32mm. On-site inspection is possible. ...
we have two Polar loaders model TR150BL-3 1) Year 2001 with stand-alone gripper arm - BM5125 - comes from a P137X 2) Bj 2008 model - BM5126 - comes from a P155X cutting machine For the use of the devices, a rear table feeding of the high-speed cutter is a prerequisite ...
machine has been completely refurbished EMC2 electronic computer cutting programmes Monitor display 6-channel light guards two hand safety cutting back table guarding optical cutting line indication air table slot cover at back table side tables (2) 2 knives, documention, el. diagrams ...
machine has been completely refurbished machine newly painted ES-Electronic computer cutting programmes monitor display integrated in machine frame - monocolor 120x70mm Infra-Red light guards two hand safety cutting back table guarding optical cutting line indication cutting table - stainless steel slot cover at back table side table RH+LH - resopal - air 750 x 750mm 2 knives, documention, el. diagrams, tooling 3Ph - 400 V - 4.2 A- 50 cycles
Standard machine - without program OMA Optical Measure Display (glass ruler) Air Table, Side Tables (1) - Cast Iron Electrical fault Machine is given away against packaging and loading costs Machine can be used as spare parts carrier or for repair. Due to high labour costs, a repair is not worthwhile in Germany.
machine has been completely refurbished machine newly painted Monitor display 6-channel light guards two hand safety cutting back table guarding air table slot cover at back table side tables (2) adjustable hydraulic pressing 2 knives, documention, el. diagrams, tooling Gross weight: 4.000 kg
- Color Display - Program - Air table - Additional foldable air table - Resopal air corner - Scales - L1600-W-6 Lift (2004) - RA-6 Jogger with smooth out roller (2003) - TR 160-ER-6 Transomat (2001) - Spare knife ...