Maximo 330 MX15= 369,27m² PERI Maximo MX15

construction machinery / formworks

verified user

RESALE member since 2018

item-No.: 164965579 Quantity: 1 Date: 23.12.2024
Year of manufacture: Location: Land-de Germany
Price: 86,156 EUR
Manufacturer: PERI
Model: Maximo MX15
Type of machine: Maximo 330 MX15= 369,27m²
Description: Maximo 330 MX15= 369,27m² PERI Maximo MX15

used machine

We offer a position 369,27m² Peri Maximo 330 complete with a lot of accessories 232,41€/m²
New value according to Peri price list 01.04.2022 = approx. 286080,00€ discount 70% = 85824,00€ + VAT

The formwork was cleaned, checked and corrosion-sealed with zinc phosphate primer.
Ready for immediate use for SB2/3

26 114426 Element MX 330 x 240
2 114248 Element MX 330 x 120
14 114258 Element MX 330 x 90
13 114445 Element MX 330 x 60
3 114445 Element MXM 330 x 60
14 114452 Element MX 330 x 45
2 114457 Element MX 330 x 30
1 115338 inner corner MXI 330 x 50/20
2 Outer corner 330 x 90
3 114470 Inner Corner MXI 330 x 60
4 117913 Shaft Corner MXSE 330
6 114486 Outer Corner MXA 330 x 35
3 114583 Articulated Corner MXGI 330
3 114607 Articulated Corner MXGA 330
2 114394 Wall Thickness Compensation WDA MX 330 x 10, Alu

150 112387 Anker MX 15 , 20-30
150 112386 MX 15 Joint Nut
270 23500 Richtschloss BFD, verz.
20 23640 End anchor TS, verz.
40 23670 Scaffolding bracket TRG 80
30 124941 compensating bolt MAR 85
10 124941 Compensating Bolt MAR 170-2
20 23551 Riegel 85
10 22950 Concreting platform TRIO 120 x 270
2 115168 Maximo 1.5 T
1 117322 MX transport hanger
20 23650 Tension hook DW 15 l = 400, verz.
10 115350 Pull, Pressure Spreader MX 15-40
10 123842 pull, push spreader MX 15-100
15 127732 Face formwork S5139816 rail MX 15 - 40

Offer only valid while stocks last.
Subject to prior sale.

For questions 0049 176 70044689 Mr. Becker

Purchase and sale of scaffolding/formwork systems and construction machinery; Formwork restoration at fair conditions.
Company SFS Meisterbetrieb
Andreas Becker e. Kfm.
Tel. 07305/9562350, Fax. 07305/9562352
mobile: 0049 176 70044689 Mr. Becker

Office/ Storage Address:

Birkenstraße 15
89185 Humlangen- Hüttisheim


Ulm Registration Court: HRA722943
VAT ID NUMBER: DE279047055
seller offer No. resale 164965579
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