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10 similar machines:

New in: 2010
Seller: Land-si TISKSTROJ - CORUM
Location:: 2311 Hoce-Slovenia

Rubbel master RM 100 stone crusher, built 2010, overhauled this year, new radiator, regular serviced motor and newly repainted shell. Available immediately. Grid unit OS 100 from 2011. Ca. 7,524 working hours. Test and presentation possible can also organise transport inside EU with our own trailors. More photos on request.

New in: 2020
Seller: Land-de GINDUMAC GmbH

This CNC Wood Machining Centre was manufactured in 2020. The Masterwood MASTERDRILL TF 600 SA features dual 3.5 kW milling spindles with a maximum speed of 18,000 rpm and air cooling. It handles workpieces from 400 to 2500 mm in length and 400 to 950 mm in width, with thicknesses from 8 to 60 mm. If you are looking to get high-quality milling capabilities, consider the Masterwood MASTERDRILL TF 600 SA machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information.

Machine: MASTERWOOD OM 340
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TECHNICAL DATA: Clamping height max mm: 1040 Tenoning depth max mm: 150 Slot length max mm: 340 Main motor power HP: 3 Weight Kg: 340  ...

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Seller: Land-fi Chicagowood Malax
Price: 15.900 €

Masterwood Italy CNC Ventilation Center for Door and Window Production Type Woodmaster ATLAS Built in 2000 SN 00120018 for the processing of solid wood and panel material, etc. Working strokes of the axles: X Axis 3900mm Y Axis 1785mm Z- Axis 630mm Workspace X Axis 3500mm Y Axis 1210mm Z- Axis 210mm Max speed of axles 60-50-20m/min 6 edition consoles Workpiece clamping device Electric main spindle with ISO 30 intake 6.8 kW 24,000rpm Saw unit integrated in the work unit Automatic change of tools 18 positions Numerical control SINCRO with industrial PC and keyboard Safety tread mats Vaccum Pump Total required power 27 Kw Care pressure 6-7 atm Comp ...

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Machine: MASTERWOOD Project 385 WL,Allround,
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: ab Werk

max. workpiece length: 5150 mm profile spindle: 1 Stück main drive: 16 kW Control: Beckhoff CNC Number of axles: 5 St. CNC machining center Masterwood Project 385 WL, NEUMASCHINE The all-rounder for Windows, round arches and doors interior Post and beam 5-axis machining of all kinds Detailed description in the adjacent PDF file! HIGHLIGHTS: - Working range: X = 5150 mm, Y = 1500 mm, Z = 200 mm - 1 pc. 5-axis high-performance spindle, 16 kW, double bearing with HSK 63 F recording - fixed drill head with 19 spindles with 7 individually retrievable vertical spindles X-direction with 6 individually retrievable vertical spindles Y-direction with 2 double horizontal spindles X-direction and 1 dou ...

Machine: MASTERWOOD Project 485,Innenausbau,
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: ab Standort

axis stroke (X,Y,Z): 3950,2145,555 mm Number of spindle head vertical: 13 St. Number of spindles head horizontal: 6 St. Number of tools: 22 St. Number of milling agregates: 1 St. working dimensions: 3200x2000x200 mm Motor output: 12 kW Control: Beckhoff CNC Number of axles: 5 St. Masterwood Project 385 CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum --------------------------------------------- 5-Achs CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum in Auslegerbauweise (dadurch sehr große PLatten auflegbar) für Innenausbau, Plattenbearbeitungen aller Art. Kurze Zusammenfassung: --------------------------------------------- Verfahrwege X = 3950 mm, Y = 2145 mm, Z = 555 mm Arbeitsbereich: X = 3200 mm, Y = 2000 mm, Z = 200 mm 1 Stk. 5-Achs- ...

Machine: MASTERWOOD Project 385, Rundbogen,
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: ab Standort

max. workpiece length: 3200,5100 mm profile spindle: 1 Stück main drive: 12 kW Control: Beckhoff CNC Number of axles: 5 St. Masterwood Project 385 CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum --------------------------------------------- 5-Achs CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum in Portalbauweise zum Einsatz für Rundbogenfenster, Türen, Pfosten-Riegel, Innenausbau, Treppen Kurze Zusammenfassung: --------------------------------------------- Arbeitsbereich: X = 3200 mm (Optional 5100 mm) , Y = 1500 mm, Z = 200 mm 1 Stk. 5-Achs-Hochleistungsspindel, 12 kW, mit HSK 63 F Aufnahme 1 Stk. fest installierter Bohrkopf mit 19 Spindeln mit 7 einzeln abrufbaren Vertikalbohrspindeln X-Richtung mit 6 einzeln abrufbaren Vertikalbohrs ...

Machine: MASTERWOOD Project385 Innenausbau,
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: ab Werk

max. workpiece length: 3200/5100 mm profile spindle: 1 Stück main drive: 12 kW Control: Beckhoff CNC Number of axles: 5 St. The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.  ...

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Machine: MASTERWOOD 4 Win mit Beladung - Video
Seller: Land-de Gebr. Engelfried oHG
Location:: ab Werk

max. workpiece length: 4400 mm profile spindle: 1 Stück main drive: 19,2 kW CNC machining center MASTERWOOD 4 WIN with automatic loading and unloading -------------------------------------------- Specially designed for a rational and flexible wooden window u. door production HIGHLIGHTS: - Various tool magazines for optimal tooling - Simultaneous feeding with up to 6 workpieces - patented clamping system for optimum machining of workpieces - CNC controlled work table with automatic positioning of the beams and Stretcher - Automatic reclamping for changing between external and internal profiling - INTEGRATED windowing software, i. Machine does not have to (but can Of course) be controlled fro ...

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