Worsted yarn spinning machines N. SCHLUMBERGER + CIE Acrylic mIll

textile machines / spinning, twisting, winding, reeling, spooling machines / Worsted yarn spinning machines


Mr Paul Hans
OX3 7 Kidlington, Oxford, England
United Kingdom

  • +44 79301... phone

machinery dealer member since 2020

item-No.: 147694836 Quantity: 1 Date: 16.09.2024
Year of manufacture: 2003 Location: Land-ca Canada
Manufacturer: N. SCHLUMBERGER + CIE
Model: Acrylic mIll
Type of machine: Worsted yarn spinning machines
Description: Worsted yarn spinning machines N. SCHLUMBERGER + CIE Acrylic mIll

used machine

Complete Acrylic mIll machinery for sale:

NSC Schlumberger & Cie.

1. Breaking Converter - ТВ-10, year 1999 - 1 piece.
2. Breaking-mixing machine R5GC15, year 1999 – 1 piece.
3. Drawing machine GC15656RE, year 1999 – 1 piece.
4. Drawing machine GC15683, year 2001 - 1 piece.
5. Drawing machine GC15698, year 2001 – 1 piece.
6. Roving machine FM-20, year 2003 - 1 piece.
7. Spinning-winding machine with steaming Zinser Germany
Model 319LSL, year 1985 linked with Murata 7-V, year 1997. 2 E5113497 pieces.

All machines are in excellent working condition.
Machines are on floor and all spare parts goes with the machines
Sliver cans are available free of charges

seller offer No. resale Acrylic Mill Machinery
Seller-item-No.: Acrylic Mill Machinery
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