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Kirsch / Iveco Emergency Power System Diesel Generator Power Generation Generator Container Operating hours generator: 411 hours Kirsch Power Generation Unit Type: D 300-4 IWE Year of construction: 2007 Rated power: PRP 240 kW Rated voltage: 400 V Rated current: 433 A Nominal frequency: 50 Hz Rated speed: 1500 rpm/min Weight: 2530 kg Iveco Engine Motor Model: F3BE0685CBXXX Displacement: 12.9 liters Specified kW (BHP): 330 (442,50) at 1800 rpm Fuel consumption at specified power: 245mm^3/stroke
General SKU338T912 LocationBarneveld MakeKirsch AG Burghausen TypeK510 No.11543 Year of construction1999 Pressure Working pressure jacket10 Bar Working pressure tubes100 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume510 Ltr. Specified Features - Extraction Capacity510 Ltr. Diameter322 mm Length7900 mm With jacketcheck Max. temperature150 °C MaterialStainless steel 1.4571 (316Ti) Information Total height8,3 m Weight2600kg Floorspace0,6x0,6 m Extra SpecificationsJacket side capacity 150 Ltr. Connection top side DN 15 Connection underside DN 15 Jacket connections DN 25 (6x) ExtractionKirsch AG BurghausenColumns > ExtractionBrand > Kirsch AG Burghausen What you can ex ...
Make: Fryma Line ML 250 / MZ 250 for soy milling, production of soy milk Perforated disc mill: 45 kW Colloid mill: 60 kW Capacity: approx. 7000 l/h (soy milk) Dimensions LWH: 1700 x 1500 x 1550 mm Weight: approx. 1100 kg ...
There are five injection moulding machines Arburg available. 1) Arburg 320C 600-250, year of construction: 2001, operating hours: 83,365h. 2) Arburg 420C 1000-250, year of manufacture: 2001, operating hours: 90,769h. 3) Arburg 270C 300-100, year of construction: 1999, operating hours: 78,784h. 4) Arburg 320C 300-100, year of construction: 2000, operating hours: 78,784h. 5) Arburg 270C 300-100, year of construction: 2007, operating hours: 59,885h.
The set includes; Wet breading machine ALCO APN 250 N Height: 1300 Width: 750 Length: 1600 Power: 0.75KW Dry breading machine ALCO APT 250 N Height: 1800 Width: 700 Length: 1700 Power: 0.92KW ...
Interchangeable jaws, top jaws, three-jaw chucks, segment jaws, clamping jaws, stepped block jaws, stepped top jaws, block jaws, base jaws, interchangeable jaws wedge bar chucks, interchangeable jaws power chucks -Top jaws: soft top jaws for wedge bar chucks, helical teeth -Type: FGB 250/404 SFA 250 -Jaw width: 26 mm -Dimensions: see photo technical. drawing -Total dimensions: 125/90/H87 mm -Total weight: 5.0 kg
Hydraulic cylinders, support cylinders, hydraulic rams, pressure rams, tipping cylinders -Manufacturer: Yale, hydraulic cylinder double-acting stroke 250 mm -Type designation: H-20/250 -Piston rod: Ø 42 mm -Lifting capacity: 20 t -Operating pressure: max. 700 bar -Dimensions: Ø 85 x 455 mm -Weight: 14.1 kg
This temperature controller can heat up to 250 degrees with oil medium. It can also be used for injection molding tools, extruder screws, and metal processing machines. Everything works perfectly. Pump, heating, heat exchanger and control are good. I have 1 of these, but there are also other types of temperature controllers for lower temperatures and other machines in the plastics industry. Please see my other ads.
-high speed Nut- und Feder-Profiliermaschine -Arbeitsbreite 40 - 250 mm -Werkstückdicke 10 - 35 mm -min. Werkstücklänge 270 mm -max. Werkstücklänge unbegrenzt -max. Vorschubgeschwindigkeit 90 m/min. -Vorschubgeschwindigkeit über Frequenzumformer stufenlos regelbar -Schnittgeschwindigkeit 24 m/min. -Motor Fräse 2 x 7,5 kW -Drehzahl Fräse 7500 U/min -Motor Vorschub 0,75 kW -Steuerspannung 24 V -Spannung 400 V / 50 Hz -Gesamtanschluss 16,1 kW -pneumatische Spanner von oben und seitlich -Spindel FI 40 mm -inkl. Wendeplatten Werkzeuge -Steuerung manuell / automatisch -PLC Steuerung mit Touch-Screen für einfache Bedienung -Druckluftanschluss 8 bar -inkl. 3,5 m motorisch angetriebene Einla ...
Technische Daten: - min./max. Schnitthöhe 40 - 250 mm - Schnittbreite 150 mm - Lamellenstärke (abhänig von Holzart) >2,0 mm - Sägeblattlänge 500 mm - Schnittfuge 0,9 - 1,4 mm - Motor 15 kW (20 PS) / 400 V - Vorschhubgeschwindigkeit 0,3 - 1,7 m/min. - Hub des Gatterrahmens 210 mm - Schnittgenauigkeit (60 - 160 mm) +/- 0,1 mm - Schnittgenauigkeit (60 - 250 mm) +/- 0,2 mm - Schnittbreite Seitemlineal 60 - 150 mm - Schnittbreite Mittellineal 2 x 30 - 65 mm - Kanalanzahl 2-4 x 20-65 mm - min. Blocklänge 300 mm - Hubzahl 450 Hübe/min. - max. Anzahl der Sägeblätter (unter 200 mm) ca. 22 Stück - max. Anzahl der Sägeblätter (200-250 mm) ca. 12 Stück - Standzeit der Sägeblätter ca. 4 - ...