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10 similar machines:

Machine: ISEL
Seller: Land-de CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG
Price: 1.989 €

Almost Unused Used CNC rotary axis of company ISEL Automation ! Exceptionally, the product of a competitor . From a trade-in of a complete CNC milling machine ISEL because switching to a T -Rex CNC milling machine by CNC-STEP Top exact product , solid , stable processing . A couple of years old but in top shape . 100mm intake of feed 23mm passage height 320mm Width: 210mm Depth: 270mm Robust cast aluminum design 4 screw fastenings at the foot Stepper Motor 6.0 amps ! Controllable to 48 volts Also have a look at our other cnc machine offers please; ready for operation

Machine: ISELI CNC Model
Seller: Land-ch Muller Machines SA

Center distance: 0 mm Grinding head Z-axis: 0 mm Center height: 0 mm CNC Brand: 0 CNC Model: 0 Technical data Clamping range: 1.6 - 17 mm Wheel rigth side: 170 mm Wheel left side: 100 mm Voltage 50 Hz 3x: 380 Volt Spindle power: 0.55 kW Machine´s weight about: 150 kg Overall dimensions machine: Length: 600 mm Width: 400 mm Height: 1400 mm Various accessories: Optical microscope

Machine: ISELI CNC Model
Seller: Land-ch Muller Machines SA

Sawblade diameter maximum: 0 mm CNC Brand: 0 CNC Model: 0 Technical data Spacing: up to: 75 mm/t Tooth height: 55 mm Grinding angle: 20 ° Head angle: 20 ° Diameter of grinding wheel: 225 mm Max. grinding wheel width: 3 - 20 mm Drilling cap. of grind.wheel: 25 mm Grinding spindle speeds: 2280 rpm Voltage 50 Hz 3x: 380 Volt Machine´s weight about: 300 kg Overall dimensions machine: Length: 1200 mm Width: 700 mm Height: 1750 mm

Machine: ISEL
Seller: Land-de CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG
Price: 1.989 €

Almost unused used CNC rotary axis from ISEL Automation ! By exception, a competitor's product. From a payment of a complete CNC fraes machine from ISEL due to the switch to a T-Rex CNC Fraes machine from CNC-STEP Top exact product, solid, stable processing. A few years old but top in shot. 100mm Holder for chuck 23mm Throughlet Height 320mm Width: 21 0mm Stabile cast aluminum discharge 4 Screw fasteners on the foot step motor 6.0 Ampere ! Controltable up to 48 volts Please also note our other CNC machines offers;

New in: 2012
Seller: UCY Industrial GmbH
Location:: Nuremberg, Germany

Manufacturer: Isel Model : 4-Axis CNC Year of Manufacture: 2012 Features: - 3-Axis + Swivel Table Accessories: - Chip Container - Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Find more here - / Contact us at -  ...

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Machine: ISELI 150
Seller: Land-ch Marcels Maschinen AG Schweiz
Location:: Schweiz

work table:: 290x130 mm table - tiltable +/-: 15 ° cross adjustment: grinding wheel diameter: 150 mm turning speeds:: 1 dimensions of the machine ca.: 780X630X1100 mmxmmxmm weight of the machine ca.: 185 kg coolant: komplett The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

Machine: GFM FKW Crankshaft milling machine
New in: 1965
Seller: Land-sk ENGINEX KOSICE
Location:: 040 0 Kosice

- workpiece diameter d680 - max workpiece length 3400 mm - max working lengths 2600 mm - with discs (d1100 mm) - required electric capacity 60 kW/h - under power, in use  ...

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New in: 2007
Seller: UCY Industrial GmbH
Location:: Austria

Manufacturer: Hedelius Type of Machine: Milling Machine Year of Manufacture: 2007 Find more here - / Contact us at -  ...

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Machine: HOMAG Formfräsen / contour milling
Seller: Land-de Wehrmann Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH & Co.KG

Exchange units for contour milling HOMAG  ...

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Machine: CHIRON MILL 800 5 axis milling tur
Seller: Land-it MIMU Werkzeugmaschinen
Location:: gussago

MAKE CHIRON MODEL MILL 800 5 axis 5 axis machininng center (milling/turning from bar) Under power in our warehouse in Gussago BS Italy Mimu Machine tools CNC Fanuc 18iMBS (5 simoultaneous axis 1) X, Y, Z (mm) 800 – 500 - 550 Rapids (Highspeed) 60 m/min Swivelling head CNC controlled (B axis) +/- 100° Turning spindle Peiseler Milling spindle 12.000 giri / 140 Nm (v nota 2) Tools 65 Tool type HSK-A 63 DIN 69893 Tool-change time 1,5 sec (v nota 3) Table 1400x500 Max table load 1200 kgs 90fjsieew Coolant through spindle 70 bar (see note 4) CNC controlled clamping/rotating unit for 6th face machining (v. nota 5) Pressurised linear encoders Swarf conveyor Renishaw-ready Y.O.M. 2006 Weight  ...

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