Gathering tower HORIZON VAC 100

printing machines / post press: gatherers

AGM Graphische Maschinen
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Mr Mohammad Anwar
38259 Salzgitter-Bad

  • 49-5341-... phone

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RESALE member since 2012

  • machine list (173)
item-No.: 152854633 Quantity: 1 Date: 13.11.2024
Year of manufacture: 1998 Location: Land-de Germany
Manufacturer: HORIZON
Model: VAC 100
Type of machine: Gathering tower
Description: Gathering tower HORIZON VAC 100

used machine

20 stations, format: A/3, Stiching Unit SPF-10II Sticher & Folder, Fronttrimmer FC-10II Trimmer, M-No.64025, 40.000 A5141999 Exp./hr.

seller offer No. resale sad-col-Horizon-VAC-100
Machine in stock: Yes
Seller-item-No.: sad-col-Horizon-VAC-100
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