Gathering machine HORIZON Collator AC-1200

printing machines / post press: gatherers

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RESALE member since 2017

item-No.: 157507111 Quantity: 1 Date: 05.01.2025
Location: Land-de Germany
Manufacturer: HORIZON
Model: Collator AC-1200
Type of machine: Gathering machine
Description: Gathering machine HORIZON Collator AC-1200

Reference Num.: 3604
Brand: Horizon
Type: Collator AC-1200
Available: directly
Status: In O5150215 production
Location: Deutschland
seller offer No. resale 3604
Seller-item-No.: 3604
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Price: sold Horizon Collator AC-1200 + similar Horizon-Model

HORIZONCollator MC80 2500 EUR [Dec 2015]
1995 HORIZONHORIZON Collator MA 8a + MA 8m 4900 EUR [Feb 2018]