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10 similar machines:

date: 14.10.2024 item-No.: 128564509
Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-125 T5  kein Stage
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 23.930 €

Power supply 120 kVA (hood unit) power: kVA 120 / 96 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF45TM3 Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 4-L Total displacement: 4.5 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 27.6 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 21.6 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 14.4 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanica ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW 305 T5
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 54.173 €

Generator 300 kVA (hood unit) capacity: 300 kVA / 240 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: C10TE1D Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 6 L Total displacement: 10.3 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 62.8 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 53.7 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 36.4 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Controls: Electro ...

date: 14.10.2024 item-No.: 128669768
Machine: HIMOINSA HFW 350 T5 Stage 3A
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 57.831 €

Generator 350 kVA (hood unit) capacity: 350 kVA / 280 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: C13TE1F Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 6 L Total displacement: 12,88 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 81 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 73.8 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 48.8 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.2% of fuel consumption Controls: Electron ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-45 T5
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 15.909 €

Generator 41 kVA (hood unit) power: 41 kVA / 33 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: F32SM1A Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger Cylinder, number and layout: 4-L Total capacity: 3.2 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: SACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 10.6 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 8.5 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 5.6 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanical Inner diameter exhaust pipe out ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-60 T5
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 19.245 €

Generator set 60 kVA (hood unit) performance: 60 kVA / 48 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF45SM1A Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger Cylinder, number and layout: 4-L Total displacement: 4.5 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 13.7 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 10.2 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 7 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanical Inner diameter ou ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-60 T5 stage 3A
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 19.762 €

Generator set 60 kVA (hood unit) performance: 60 kVA / 48 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF45SM1F Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger Cylinder, number and layout: 4-L Total displacement: 4.5 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 16.7 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 13 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 9.5 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.1% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanical Inner diameter ou ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-75 T5 Stage 2A
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 20.137 €

Generator 73 kVA (hood unit) power: 73 kVA / 58 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF45SM2A Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger Cylinder, number and layout: 4-L Total displacement: 4.5 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 17.1 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 12.7 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 8.6 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanical Inner diameter output exh ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW-135 T5  stage 2
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 28.113 €

Generator 132 kVA (hood unit) power: 132 kVA / 105 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF67TM1F Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 6 L Total capacity: 6.7 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 30.5 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 25 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 17.7 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.1% of fuel consumption Control: Mechanical Inne ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW 200 T5 Stage 3A
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 36.122 €

Generator 200 kVA (hood unit) power: 200 kVA / 160 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: NEF67TE3F Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct, common rail Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 6 L Total capacity: 6.7 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 45.5 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 41.9 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 29.9 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Controls:  ...

Machine: HIMOINSA HFW 250 T5 Stage 3A
Seller: Land-de H & N Energien GmbH
Price: 44.561 €

Generator 250 kVA (hood unit) power: 250 kVA / 200 kW PRP Operating mode: 1500 r.p.m Voltage: 400 V / 230 V Available voltages: 230 230 / 132 V Power factor: cos phi 0.8 Engine: Engine manufacturer: FPT_IVECO Engine model: C87TE3F Engine type: Four-stroke diesel Type of injection: direct, common rail Kind of aspiration: turbocharger and subsequent cooling Cylinder, number and layout: 6 L Total capacity: 8.7 l Cooling system: Liquid (water + 50% glycol) Specifications engine oil: ACEA E3 - E5 Fuel consumption 100% PRP: 59 l / h Fuel consumption 75% PRP: 48 l / h Fuel consumption 50% PRP: 35.7 l / h Oil consumption under full load: 0.5% of fuel consumption Controls: Electr ...

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