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Containers mit Zubehör für MWM Typ TCG 2020 V12 (bis 1,2Mwe) Es gibt eine vollständige Dokumentation. 2012 Jahr. Nach dem Entfernen des 2020V12-Motors. Es gibt einen Schornstein für das Set. Es gibt keinen Abwärmetauscher, externen Kühler, zwei Module in der Steuerung. ...
Jenbacher 320 Empty containers 2 UK Power Generators Ltd have in stock the container for the generators to be inserted and perform their energy production operations. Ideal for Jenbacher 320 generators Available for sale... The empty container with highly specialised flooring and walls considering the equipment to be installed in there. The container pictures are attached to this advert, as seen. Everything inside the empty container. Please write to us at Infoukpowergeneratorsltd for further information on arranging viewing or pricing details. ~ UK Power Generators Ltd Enquiries@ukpowergeneratorsltd.com 00447956518924
ISDN PBX 2 external basic connections, 4 trunk lines, up to 8 ISDN terminals can be connected to the internal So-Bus. In addition, 8 analog ports are available. ...
2st. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLLING type RDTO 08.12,5.10 SX02 ofen for 20 tins usable total area 10.00 m and 178 baking surface floor 1.00 m and 178 baking square measure floor 78 x 58 cm 2 ofen Totally total area 20.00 m and 178 - 40tins stove is in very good state general and thorough outdated. functions as anew. a very good steam. secondary circulation for the baking chamber. turbo-equipment. everything maagnetic pumps incl. Daub Thermooel-boiler arrangement with magnetic pumps including. 8 stuck anew stikkenwagen including. 80 stuck rand two rand alubleche sales incl. cargo and assembly on inquiry I also have to sell 2st. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLLING ty ...
4st. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLLING type RDTO 08.12,5.10 SX02 ofen for 20 tins usable total area 9.60 m and 178 4 ofen Totally total area 38.40 m and 178 - 80tins stove is in very good state general and thorough outdated and checked. functions as anew. very good steam. secondary circulation for the baking chamber. turbo-equipment. everything maagnetic pumps incl. Daub Thermooel-boiler arrangement including. 8 stuck anew stikkenwagen sales incl. cargo and assembly price on inquiry
6pcs. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLL type RDTO 08.12,5.10 SX02 One oven for 20 sheets Total usable area 10.00 m² Baking area per floor 1.00 m² Baking area size per floor 78 x 58 cm 6 oven Total total area 60.00 m² - 120plates Furnace is in very good condition, General and thorough overhaul. Works like new. A very good steam. Secondary circuit for the baking chamber. Turbo equipment. All maagnetic pump incl. Daub thermal oil boiler system with magnetic pump Including. 12 stuck stikkenwagen Sale incl. freight and assembly on request I also have to sell 2st. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLL type RDTO 08.12,5.7 ( 7 editions, high shelves) Price on requ ...
2pcs. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLL type RDTO 08.12,5.10 SX02 or 10.12,5.10 SX02 A furnace for 20 sheets Oven is in very good condition, General and thorough overhauled. Works like new. A good steam. Secondary circuit for the baking Chamber. Turbo equipment. All maagnetic pump incl. daub thermal oil boiler system with magnetic pump including. 4 piece rack new Sales including freight and installation upon request I also have to sale 2pcs. DAUB oven THERMO-ROLL type RDTO 08.12,5.7 (7 Edition, high shelves)