FERRAZ Protistor backups FERRAZ L 88330

energy & engines: power generators, engines, turbines, boilers / other energy machinery

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RESALE member since 2013

item-No.: 6798569 Quantity: 3
Location: Land-de Germany
Price: 420 EUR
Manufacturer: FERRAZ
Model: L 88330
Type of machine: FERRAZ Protistor backups
Description: FERRAZ Protistor backups FERRAZ L 88330

C3 ultra fast blow fuse, 450A, for power electronics. Original new condition welded from clearance, fully functional.

420-all 3 units net price 155.-

Info under F5138660 0170 / 2204056
Mail to fa.raupp@t-online
seller offer No. resale Si2
Seller-item-No.: Si2
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Price: sold FERRAZ L 88330 + similar FERRAZ-Model

FERRAZL 88330 420 EUR [Mar 2014]