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10 similar machines:

Machine: DALMEC Posivel PVC-26 36 KG
New in: 2011
Seller: Land-nl ERMI Holland BV

1 of used pneumatic, column-mounted, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Posivel PVC-26, new 2011 (excellent condition). Column 2.350 mm tall. Designed for a maximum lifting load of 36 KG. Maximum radius 2.600 mm. Vertical stroke 1.400 mm. Fitted with 71 mm diameter expander-type gripper for tubes with 90-degree (vertical/horizontal) swivel motion. 2 units available. Visible rack is for transport purposes only and not included (available at additional cost).

Machine: DALMEC Posifil PFC
New in: 2014
Seller: Land-nl ERMI HOLLAND B.V.

1 of used pneumatic, column-mounted, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Posifil PFC, new 2014! (excellent condition). Standard column 2.000 mm tall with 470 mm extension. Designed for a maximum lifting load of 30 KG. Maximum radius 3.000 mm. Vertical stroke 1.800 mm. With console and special gripper for bags. Can be retro-fitted with a standard console for safety- or jerry-can hook at additional cost. Visible frame is for transport purposes only and not included (available at additional cost).

Machine: DALMEC Partner PMC
New in: 2008
Seller: Land-nl ERMI HOLLAND B.V.

1 used pneumatic column-mounted handling manipulator (balancer), manufacturer Dalmec, type Partner PMC, built 2008 (excellent condition). Column 1,200 mm. Designed for max load capacity 20 KG. Working radius 3,100 mm. Vertical stroke 1,200 mm. With gripper with 4 suction cups and built-in vacuum generator. Visible frame is for transport purposes only and not included (available at additional cost).

Machine: DALMEC Partner PRF
New in: 1993
Seller: Land-nl ERMI HOLLAND B.V.

1 gebrauchter pneumatischer, überkopf montierter Handhabungsmanipulator (Balancer), Hersteller Dalmec, Typ Partner, Baujahr 1993. Schwank-Greifer mit Sauger und Venturi Vakumerzeuger mit max. Tragkraft 120 KG. Max. Arbeitsradius 2.200 mm, vertikaler Hub von 150 bis 1.500 mm. Zuletzt im Einsatz zum Manipulieren von Türen.

Machine: DALMEC Partner PRF
New in: 1993
Seller: Land-nl ERMI HOLLAND B.V.

1 of used pneumatic, overhead mounted, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Partner PRF, new 1993. Tilting gripper-head with suction cups and venturi vacuum generator for max. load 120 KG. Maximum radius 2.200 mm. Vertical stroke 150 to 1.500 mm. 2 Rows of each 9 suctioncups, width adjustable between 455 and 945 mm. Last used for handling doors.

Machine: DALMEC Partner Equo PES
New in: 1993
Seller: Land-nl ERMI HOLLAND B.V.

1 of used pneumatic, overhead mounted, moveable on rails, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Partner Equo PES, new 1993. Gripper-head with 4 length/width simultaneously adjustable suction cups (from 1.110 x 360 to 1.650 x 650 mm) with venturi vacuum generator for max. load 120 KG. Maximum turning radius 2.500 mm. Vertical stroke 1.250 mm. Tube length 5.000 mm. Last used for handling sheets of steel. Rails not included.

Machine: DALMEC PFC 30
New in: 1998
Seller: Land-nl ERMI Holland BV

1 of un-used! column-mounted, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Posifil PFC, new 1998. Standard column 2.300 mm tall. Designed for a maximum lifting load of 30 kgs. Maximum radius 3.000 mm. Vertical stroke 1.500 mm. With special gripper designed to lift, lower and tilt products approx. 45 degrees. Assumed application was handling storage bins 470 x 350 mm (pictures show example only, not necessarily the exact product handled). Could of course be used for various products. Width and depth of gripper can be adjusted. CE-marked but no operating manual available. Pneumatic diagram and spare parts list in German available. Two identical balancers available. Vis ...

Machine: DALMEC Various
Seller: Land-nl ERMI Holland BV

Product-specific. Various in stock. Enquire for details.  ...

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New in: 1992
Seller: Land-de Innovac GmbH
Location:: Deutschland

Load capacity: 50kg, max. working radius: 2200mm, vertical stroke: 150mm/1500mm, mounting type: overhead, gripping system: tilting gripper head. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. ...

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Machine: DALMEC PFC 80
New in: 2004
Seller: Land-nl ERMI Holland BV

1 of used pneumatic, column-mounted, industrial manipulator / lifting device (balancer), make Dalmec, type Posifil PFC, new 2004. Column length 2.300 mm. Designed for a maximum lifting load of 80 KG. Maximum radius 3.000 mm. Vertical stroke 1.800 mm. Standard operating console currently fitted with 500 kg rotating safety-hook. Other types of hooks for various products can be fitted at additional cost. NOTE: visible mobile foot-plate in pictures is strictly for our demo purposes and not included.

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