Description: |
Wide belt sanding machine BüTFERING SCO 413/TQEQ
used machine
Manufacturer: Bütfering, Type: SCO 413/TQEQ, Year: 2007, Control:
Programmspeicher 600, Barcode: möglich, Monting of the machine:
Querschleifen/Längschleifen/Querschleifen/Enststaubung, Sanding width
mm: 1350, Sanding hight mm: 160, Number of sanding belts: 3, Sanding
belt dimensions: 2620 X 1350, Rollers: keine, Transverse sanding
units: 2, Längsschleifaggregate: 1, Bürstenaggregate: 1, Belt 2 shoe
unit: Querschleifen, Band 2 Leistung kW : 13,5, Band 2
Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-16, Belt 2 synchronous and reverse
run: Längsschleifen, Band 3 Kombiaggregat Walze/Schuh: Schuh, Band
3 Leistung kW : 15, Band 3 Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-18, Band
4 Kombiaggregat Walze/Schuh: Querschleifen, Band 4 Leistung kW :
13,5, Band 4 Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-16, Separation of
sampling in B5115207 mm: 25, Frequency control of belts: 3, Continous
adjustable feeding speed m/min: 4-20, Transportbandantrieb kW: 1,5,
Intermediate sanding of lacquer: yes, Constant table hight: yes,
Tellerbürstenaggregat: Aggregat, Vacuum table: yes, Segment sanding
shoe: yes, Brushing unit: yes, FREE TEXT: bald verfügbar, Year
:2007 seller offer No. resale 0000101042