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10 similar machines:

Machine: BUSCH FABR.NR.077 - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU268N308 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch TypeL2 040 Mach.No.077 Main Features Motor2.2 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump PumpVacuum With motor2,2 KW, 220/380 Volt Information Year of construction1987 Mounted on framecheck Floorspace1,2 x 1,0 M Total height1,3 M Weight300 KG Extra SpecificationsPlus extra Sihi waterring pumpVacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Machine: BUSCH Huckepack - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU266U446 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch TypeH0 0437 F D01 XXTB Mach.No.C0223000363 Pressure Working pressure0.2 Bar Main Features MaterialMild steel Volume400000 Ltr. Motor11 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump MaterialMild steel Pumpcheck Number of pumps:1 Capacity400 m³/h With motor11 kW, 400/690Volt, 965 rpm InletDN80 OutletDN80 Information Year of constructionunknown Mounted on framecheck With switchgearcheck(as is) Total height1,5 m CEcheck Floorspace1,8x1,2 m Weight1000 kgVacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to  ...

Machine: BUSCH Huckepack HC 0437/C007 - Vacuum
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU212T145 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch Huckepack TypeHC 0437/C007 Mach.No.400799 Pressure Working pressure0.005 Bar Main Features MaterialMild steel Volume300000 Ltr. Motor13.2 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump MaterialMild steel Capacity300 m³/h With motor13,2 kW 380/660 Volt (Ex) Inletdia. 100 mm Outletdia. 80 mm Information Year of construction1989 Total height1,2 m Floorspace1,75x0,65 m Weight1000 kg ATEX compatiblecheckVacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect  ...

Machine: BUSCH SB 0530 D - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU234T257 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch TypeSB 0530 D Pressure Working pressure0.3 Bar Main Features MaterialMild steel Volume530000 Ltr. Motor5.5 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump MaterialMild steel Pumpcheck Number of pumps:1 Capacity530 m³/h With motor5,5 kW 200-240 Volt InletG 2½ OutletG 2½ Information Mach.No.BN 10345561 001 /0518 Floorspace0,75x0,6 m Total height0,65 m Weight200 kg Extra SpecificationsMax. differential pressure (vacuum version): -300 hPa (mbar) Max. differential pressure (overpressure version) +300 hPa (mbar) Nominal motor speed: 2850 min⁻¹ Vacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Mach ...

Machine: BUSCH HO-429 D 601 - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU040B268 LocationBarneveld Pressure Working pressure0.0005 Bar Main Features Volume160000 Ltr. Motor5.5 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump Capacity160 M3/Hr With motor5,5 KW, 230/400 Volt Technical specs Extra information0,5 mbar Ultimate pressureVacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!

Machine: BUSCH Lotos - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU268N296 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch TypeLOTOS Main Features Motor2.2 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump Pumpvacuum rotary vane With motor2,2 KW, 230/400 Volt Information Mach.No.unknown, manufacturer plate is missing Mounted on framecheck Floorspace1,0 x 0.6 M Total height1,5 M Weight250 KG Extra SpecificationsPlus extra Sihi waterring pump,LOHY 055, type AN 1.35 01 :Vacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in B ...

Machine: BUSCH RC0400B - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU345S651 LocationBarneveld MakeBusch SA (CH) TypeRC0400B Pressure Working pressure0.02 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume600000 Ltr. Motor13.2 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump Pumpcheck Capacity400-600 m3/H With motor13.2 KW InletDN80 OutletDN80 MaterialStainless steel Information Mach.No.24679 Floorspace1,4x0,9 m CEcheck Total height1 m Weight500 kg Extra Specificationsoil sealed Vacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, T ...

Machine: BUSCH HUCKEPACK HO 0433 - Vacuum pump
Seller: Land-nl Foeth
Location:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU226P209 LocationBarneveld MakeBUSCH KG (DE) TypeHuckepack HO 0433 F Mach.No.433001.21036 Pressure Working pressure0.0007 Bar Vacuum possiblecheck Main Features MaterialMild steel Volume250000 Ltr. Motor10 KW Specified Features - Vacuum pump Pumprotary vane vacuum Capacity250 m3/h With motor10 kW, 500 Volt (Ex) Inletdia.80 mm Outletdia.80 mm MaterialMild steel Information Year of construction1982/85 Mounted on framecheck Floorspace1,1 x 0,6 m Total height0,9 m Weight400 kg ATEX compatiblecheck Technical specs Extra informationmax. vacuum 0,66 mbarVacuum pumpsBuschPumps > Vacuum pumpsBrand > Busch What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working  ...

Machine: BUSCH 250-138 vacuum pump
New in: 2012
Seller: Land-de FURO.tec
Location:: 73312 Geislingen an der Steige

Sell Vacuum pump used Type: Busch 250-138, Vacuum: 20 mbar, Motor Oil: Type SAE30, Engine: Delfin, Year of manuf.: 2012, Power 3,45 kW, 230 volts, 15 A,  ...

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