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10 similar machines:

Machine: GME BAVELLONI MB12 Linea, incl turning
New in: 1995
Seller: Land-nl Tecfort bv

Brand: GME Bavelloni Type: 2x Double Edger Model: MB 12 Linea, incl turning tables Construction year: 1995 Length mm: 4400 Width mm: 2800 Height mm: 2200 Transport size L x W x H: 4,4 x 2,8 x 1,3 Number of spindles: 4 x 12 spindles Condition machine : Working disassembled Photos/film available: Photos and video available Combi with: GME Triulzi Washing Machine Horizontal (23013)

Machine: THIELENHAUS CenterStar LC14
New in: 2010
Seller: HD Werkzeugmaschinenhandel GmbH
Location:: Staufenberg 1

workpiece diameter:60 mm workpiece length:680 mm weight of the machine ca.:3500 kg tape Texte, Bilder, Grafiken, Layout, Strukturen und Algorithmen etc. unterliegen weltweitem Urheberrecht. Unerlaubte Verwendung der Daten, werden sowohl strafrechtlich als auch zivilrechtlich verfolgt. Das ausschließliche Urheber- / Nutzungsrecht dieser Daten wurde nachfolgender Person eingeräumt. Copyright © 2005-2025, Josef Weber. All rights reserved.

102 lathes
date: 03.02.2025 item-No.: 1032173
Machine: EMAG Vertikaldrehmaschine CNC-gesteuert
New in: 1995
Seller: Land-de ZOMA Maschinenhandel

Vertical CNC centre lathe, uses / outdated machine type: Emag VSC 200 control: Siemens 840 C construction year: From the in 1995 to the in 2007 overtakes TECHNICAL DATA: speed area / speeds: [1 / min].: 6,000 Drehmoment:/torque [Nm]: 480 Max dreh-? over bed swing diam .: 290 mms impulse achievement / power: [kW] 34 feed ? / chuck diam. 200 mms revolver / turret: 12-fold, VDI 40, shoemaker powered work witness / driven tools 7.8 kW Verfahrwege: X axis / x-travel: 550 mms Z-Achse/z-travel: 200 mms express way / rapidly travel: (X/Z) [m / min] 30 / 20 prepush / feeds: (X/Z) [m / min]. 11 KN connected load: [KW] 36 kW machine weight: [kg] 6,500 equi ...

Machine: WOTAN Rapid 25 dv-CNC
New in: 1989
Seller: Land-ch HILGERT AG
Location:: Ottmarsheim

Tischaufspannflaeche Max Tischbelastung 25 to . groove distance 180 mms table movement 1,000 mms table rotation B axis 360? Aufspannflaeche 1600 x 2,500 mms number of the grooves 9 table overtakes completely in 2012 anew SIEMENS impulses, new MOOR GROVE graduations ...

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New in: 2020
Seller: Land-sk FORMEX SK s.r.o.

more tech. Details on request  ...

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Machine: ZINSER 2115 / CNC 500/E, 2 x 5 m
New in: 2000
Seller: Land-de CNC Servicetechnik Sperling
Location:: D - Nordrhein-Westfalen
Price: 19.950 €

CNC firing and plasma cutting machine Zinser 2115 / CNC 500/E, 2 x 5 m Year construction year: 2000, condition very good, Technical data: Working width: 2,250/2,000 mm x working length: 5,000 mm (can be reprinted) track width: 2,750 mm, Total machine length: currently 7,000 mm (can be relocated), positioning speed: 12,000 mm/min. processing speed: 50 - 6,000 mm/min. 2 torch wagons with three-hose machine cutting torches and dues 3-160 mm ( 300 mm) , ( 1. Torch wagon with preparation plasma separators) CNC control: Zinser CNC 500 E with 50 markos (standard figures), Option: e.g. plasma cutting machine Hypertherm HT 40 with machine torch hose package for the sheet metal range up to 1 ...

Machine: ACME FMB 12 CNC
New in: 1990
Seller: Land-de Kurt Steiger Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Location:: Wiesbaden

Table size: 500 x 1200 mm traverse path x: 1000 mm stroke y: 550 mm traverse path z: 600 mm spindle retainer: ISO 40 spindle speeds: 60-2700 rpm spindle drive: 10 kW Electr. Supply: 380 V, 20 kVA kW space: 3200 x 2800 x 2650 mm weight: 7.3 t  ...

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Machine: DIXI 350 CNC

Horizontal Milling Machine DIXI, Type 350 Mach. No. 350-16 Control: Dixi CNC 4400 Table dimensions: 810 x 810 mm table load: 2000 kg X/Y/Z: 1000 / 1000/1000 mm B-axis rotating table C-axis vertical round rotating table RPM: 10-3000 U / min Power: 18 kWh Table with 7 T-slots: 18 mm rapid traverse: 20-10000 mm / min taper ISO 50 Weight: 17 tons Accessories: Vertical milling head, vertical round table, angle rack, holders, etc.

Machine: CNC-STEP T-Rex  Servo-1325 CNC machine
Seller: Land-de CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG
Price: 30.488 €

3D CNC Router T-Rex 1215 / Technical Data : Equipment / product data CNC-milling machine type High-Z/TRex series: Drive: 3 brushless brand stepping engines with 4,5 ampere. Possibility of sliding through long and up to 120mm high materials, no belt drive at the ende of the X axis! Linear guide on all exis by HIWIN / THK ! Multiple ball-bearing ball-screw spindle on all axes, proprietary brand! Rapid traverse max. ca. 12.000 mm/min Operating speed max. ca. 8.000 mm/min Technical definition X/Y : 0,005mm (1/10 Schritt); Z: 0,0025mm Backlash maximal ca. +/- 10µm (0,010 mm) Repeat accuracy: ca. 0,01 mm Clampin surface of grooven panel / T-slot table 1860 x 1340 mm Travels: X=1500 ...

Machine: CNC-STEP T-Rex Servo-0609 CNC Fräse
Seller: Land-de CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG
Price: 15.744 €

Equiptment / product data CNC-milling machine type High-Z/TRex series / 1224 Drive: 3 brushless brand stepping engines with 4,5 ampere. Possibility of sliding through long and up to 120mm high materials, no belt drive at the ende of the X axis! Linear guide on all axis by HIWIN / THK ! Multiple ball-bearing ball-screw spindle on all axes, proprietary brand! Rapid traverse max. ca. 12.000 mm/min Operating speed max. ca. 8.000 mm/min Technical definition X/Y : 0,005mm (1/10 Schritt); Z: 0,0025mm Backlash maximal ca. +/- 10µm (0,010 mm) Repeat accuracy: ca. 0,01 mm Clampin surface of grooven panel / T-slot table 2800 x 1340 mm Travels: X=2400mm; Y=1200mm; Z= 130 mm Non-contact ...

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