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General SKU440W1452 LocationBarneveld MakeAgilent Technologies Type1100 series No.DE43628255 Year of construction2005 Specified Features - Miscellaneous Capacity100x 2 ml vials in 1 tray, 40x 2 ml vials in 1/2 tray, 15x6 ml Information Total height0,80 m Weight100 kg CEcheck Floor space1,00x0,60 m Extra SpecificationsHPLC with autosampler. UV-visible detectors, pumping system, fluorescence detector, LC/MSD unit, refractive index detector, GPC/SEC system, Micro plate sampler, 220, Chem station : all product nrs: G1314A G1312A G1379A G1316A G1367A G1330B MiscellaneousAgilent TechnologiesMiscellaneous > MiscellaneousBrand > Agilent Technologies What you can expect from Foeth: -- ...
Gas Chromatograph Agilent Technologies 7890A GC System/7683 D Injector Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies Model: 7890A GC System/7683 D Injector Complete List of equipment available on request. ...
Agilent Technologies Bravo G5522A NGS Workstation 1.1 NGS Benchtop Integrated WorkStation -Integration of plate management and liquid handling devices into a benchtop automation system. - VWorks Benchtop License: Included - VWorks Simulation License: Included Robot Disable Hub: included 1.2 Bravo Liquid Handler integrated to BenchCel with - 5 Standard Pads 2 CPAC Ultraflat heated/cooled Pad 1 Bravo Orbital Shaker - 1 Bravo Thermal Pad · Magnetic Bead Pad - PCR Plate Support 96 Well · CPAC PCR Plate Insert -Deck risers for Bravo -Thermocube Chiller 400W for Bravo Thermal Pad -Controller for CPAC Pad 1.3 Bravo Gripper Upgrade 1.4 96LT Disposable Tip Head 1.5 BenchCel 4Ra ...
Agilent 1200 HPLC system consisting of: Agilent 1200 G 1312B SL binary HPLC pump (up to 600 bar) Agilent 1200 G 1315B Diode Array Detector Agilent 1200 G 1316 B TLC SL Colcom/column thermostat Agilent 1200 G 1379 Degasser Agilent 1200 G 1330 Thermostat for Autosampler Agilent 1200 G 1367D Autosampler Hip ALS SL + on request with Agilent Chemstation/Warranty
Agilent G1312A (1200 Series), Binary HPLC Pump Condition: Very good, used, currently maintained and checked by a specialist company. The device can be viewed and tested by us. Warranty: 3 months. The Agilent G1312A (1200 Series) binary pump is a high-performance, binary pumping system for use in liquid chromatography. It features two dual-piston (binary) dual-piston pumps connected in series with proprietary servo-controlled variable stroke drive, floating piston design and active intake valve On request, the following are also possible: - Installation and commissioning at an additional cost. - After warranty expires, further service, maintenance, repairs and modifications ar ...
Agilent mod. HPLC 1100 Including: Degasser Binary pump Autosampler Column Oven VWD Detector 10 mm. Cell Solvent Tray PC and Chemstation Software preinstalled Agilent mod. HPLC 1200 Including: Degasser Binary pump Autosampler Column Oven VWD Detector 10 mm. Cell Solvent Tray PC and Open lab C.0.05 software preinstalled Refurbished
Agilent 5973N inert MSD with GC Agilent 6890 N Agilent 5973 N inert MSD with GC Agilent 6890 N Network Agilent 5973 inert MSD with EI and turbomolecular pump enhanced BOC Edwards Turbopump Agilent GC 6890 Network with Split/Splitless Injector/EPC Edwards Vacuum Pump 1.5 MSD Productivity Chemstation E02.02 on PC/Win 10 NIST on request Option: Agilent Liquid Sampler, CTC or Gerstel MPS2 Sampler currently serviced/with warranty Installation on request
Agilent G 1362 A RID Detector Refractive Index Range 1.00-1.75 RIU Measurement Range +/- 600x 10-6 RIU Sample Cell 8 ul Analog Output/Recorder/Integrator 100mV or 1 V Communications: CAN, GP-IB, RS 232; LAN ...
Agilent Gaschromatograph model 6890/G 1530A Detector FID/EPC, Injector S/SL /EPC HP-IB and Jetdirect card upon request with Autosampler and Agilent Chemstation ...
AGILENT HP 6890N System Agilent 6890N Gas Chromatogtaph Single FID detector Single Split/Splitless Inlet Agilent / HP 7683 Injector Agilent/HP 7683 Tray PC with preinstalled Chemstation software Refurbished ...