General SKU255T403 LocationBarneveld MakeManesty (UK)
TypeAccelacota 10 No.1001N0 Year of constructionunknown Main
Features MaterialStainless steel Inlet diameter280 mm Specified
Features - Coating pan MaterialStainless steel Coating pancheck
Batch size15 kg Pan diameterdia. 610 mm Pan depth440 mm Cylindrical
width280 mm Conical width160 mm (2x 80 mm) In-/Outletdia. 280 mm
Motorcheck With frequency controllercheck Pan speed6 - 30 rpm
Information With switchcheck Weight550 kg Floorspace0,8x1 m Total
height1,8 mCoating pansManestyCoating pans > Coating pansBrand >
Manesty What you can F5352068 expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in
working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for
shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect
the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in
Barneveld for many more machines!